APNU+AFC actually introduced 350+ new taxes, measures while in gov’t – Jagdeo

APNU+AFC actually introduced 350+ new taxes, measures while in gov’t – Jagdeo

Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo said that the former APNU+AFC government introduced more than 350 new taxes and onerous measures while in government from 2015 to 2020.

The Vice President, speaking at a People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) press conference on Thursday, reminded citizens that it was believed that the coalition government had introduced about 200 new taxes and measures.

He, however, highlighted that the figure has been revised. When records were checked by the PPP, there were about 350 new taxes and measures.

“When we actually counted, it came up to over 350 measures, things that were increased,” the Vice President said.

Listing some of the new measures introduced, Jagdeo reminded the public that Value Added Tax (VAT) was added on water, education, healthcare, data, electricity, and internal travel. He said the PPP/C reversed these onerous measures, recognizing the hardships brought to families.

For years, the PPP/C flagged what it has deemed 200 “burdensome” taxes and measures introduced by the APNU+AFC government.

Since taking office in August 2020, the PPP/C government removed numerous taxes including VAT from water and electricity.

Taxes in specific productive sectors like mining and agriculture were also removed as part of efforts to stimulate growth. The removal of taxes was in direct response to economic challenges experienced locally.

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