Leonora Double Murder: Autopsy confirms men died from stab wounds

Leonora Double Murder: Autopsy confirms men died from stab wounds

Police on Monday night confirmed that Mohamed Kalameeden Nasir and Arvinda Roopram, the two men killed at Leonora, West Coast Demerara (WCD) at the weekend, died of stab wounds.

In a statement, Police said Government Pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh conducted post-mortem examinations on Monday.

Nasir died from a stab wound to the chest while Roopram died from multiple incised wounds.

Leonora Double Murder: Wounded security guard arrested, another man on the run

Nasir, a 30-year-old carpenter of Stewartville, West Coast Demerara, and Roopram, a 25-year-old construction worker, were involved in a scuffle early Saturday morning.

The two suspects, Alex Amsterdam, called ‘Mario’, a 28-year-old security guard, received one stab wound to his upper abdomen, while the second suspect, Terry (only name given), made good his escape from the scene in an unknown direction.

Amsterdam has been apprehended. He is under Police guard at the West Demerara Regional Hospital.



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