Demerara Harbour Bridge to close for four hours from Tuesday night

See below the full release from the Ministry of Public Works:

The Ministry of Public Works hereby informs members of the public that the Demerara  Harbour Bridge will be closed for critical maintenance work for a duration of 4 hours: 

Commencing: 23:59 hrs (11:59 pm) on Tuesday 29th October 2024  Ending: 04:00 hrs (4:00 am) on Wednesday 30th October, 2024 

This scheduled exercise is necessary to ensure that the Demerara Harbour Bridge  continues to serve the function, of facilitating the seamless commute of customers  between Regions 3 and 4. As we are all aware, the wear and tear that this critical piece of  infrastructure has experienced over the years, and the fact that it has outlived its initial  intended lifespan of 10 years, means that such exercises have become more frequent. This  4-hour time period was selected to ensure that there is as little disruption to the transit schedule as possible. 

This brings into sharp focus, the necessity of the New Demerara River Bridge which is  currently underway and is scheduled to be completed in March 2025. The bridge’s design  will eliminate the need for retraction and will facilitate regular maintenance without major traffic disruptions.  

The Ministry of Public Works apologises for any inconvenience that may be caused by this upcoming scheduled retraction and maintenance exercise, and reaffirms its commitment to modernising and transforming Guyana.

The post Demerara Harbour Bridge to close for four hours from Tuesday night appeared first on News Room Guyana.